Dear teacher, school leader, educational professional, youngster, student, parent, or policy maker,

‘ProuD to Teach All’ was an ambitious Erasmus+ project supporting teachers and school leaders to effectively work with learners from a variety of backgrounds, and a range of learning differences. Our purpose was - and still is - to contribute to building inclusive schools that respond to the challenges of the 21st century. We supported practitioners to serve learners with a variety of needs and interests through developing professional learning communities (PLCs). These PLCs arose around schools collaborating with teacher education institutes in five European countries (Belgium, Latvia, Portugal, the Netherlands, and the UK). Within the PLCs, teachers and other professionals have been engaging in collaborative problem-solving relating to diversity and inclusive pedagogy. They also have developed their collaborative skills through coaching. Our website shares their experiences with you. We hope you will enjoy our outputs and implement our professional development materials to strenghthen your inclusive competencies and improve your local practices across Europe or even worldwide. In our website you can find...

  1. An accessible online inspiration centre: a rich repository of recorded interviews, podcasts, videos, lectures, and discussion activities, related to inclusive practice in education. They have been carefully selected to provoke dialogue, enquiry and professional development. By browsing through them, you will access valuable insights related to 'teaching all'.  Be prepared to be truly inspired!
  2. An online guide for coaches to enhance your coaching skills as an experienced teacher, school leader, or other senior educational professional. The guide enables you to lead professional learning communities or PLCs. It is structured upon three themes: (1) Growing towards an inclusive pedagogy, (2) Organising collaborative professional learning, and (3) Coaching educational professional professionals. Within each theme three questions are raised and answered, providing inspiration, food for thought and discussion.An online professional development package that are effective, feasible and replicable to make teachers eager to learn to teach all learners. The professional development package can be used in two ways: You can use it as a "guided tour” (fixed ordered) or as  "backpacking”, using the learning activities in any order, in any selection. 
  3. A professional development package full of strategies that are effective, feasible and replicable to make teachers eager to learn to teach all learners. This package can be used in two ways: You can use it as a "guided tour” (fixed ordered) or as  "backpacking”, using the learning activities in any order, in any selection.
  4. Research and policy recommendations to strengthen your interprofessional collaboration skills in inclusive networks within, between and beyond schools so that you feel stronger to teach all learners. The policy recommendations offer evidence-informed guidelines on what schools, policymakers and higher education staff can do to ensure inclusive policies. You can use our self-reflective tool and recommendations in local school communities, policy bodies and universities to make teachers and other educational professionals eager to teach all learners. The full report of our research is also available in the book Collaborative learning for inclusion under a magnifying lens (Silveira-Maia et al., 2023).

Feel free to wonder around our materials, share them with colleagues, use them, or adapt them so that they become tailored to your own needs or those of your school. We are very curious to hear from you, to learn from your experiences and feedback.

Warm wishes

The Proud to Teach All Team