• Theme: Guided tour activities
  • Media:Document

This professional development package/ Module 1 will help you to reach several learning goals:

  1. You will learn what an inclusive pedagogy is and how it can benefit your practice
  2. You will learn what coaching is and how it can benefit your practice
  3. You will learn how to start a Professional Learning Community (PLC)
  4. You will learn how resources (of this project) can support you doing so
Professional Development Package/ Module 1 (ENG)
Profesionālās pilnveides pakotne/ 1. modulis (LV)
Professioneel leerpakket/ Module 1 (NL)
Kit de desenvolvimento profissional/ Módulo 1 (PT)

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  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

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  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

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  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

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  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
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  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

This learning activity will help you to explore the resources you can use to create inclusive learning environments.

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  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

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  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

This learning activity will help you to: To reflect on the importance you and your team attribute to different values and competencies needed for inclusive learning environments. To define pr…

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  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

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  • Thema Thema:
  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

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  • Thema Thema:
  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media:

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  • Thema Thema:
  • Duurtijd Duurtijd: 0- 0min
  • Media Media: